03 Apr
Call out to recorders in Monmouthshire – join the atlas project

Call out to recorders in Monmouthshire – join the atlas project

The Monmouthshire 2030 dragonfly atlas project was set up in 2020 by the British Dragonfly Society, with the aim of producing Monmouthshire’s first dragonfly atlas in 2030.

We hope that together we can cover every part of the county and record the dragonflies present, and from these records produce a comprehensive and detailed set of distribution maps.

The project will also help to identify, and gather data about, important dragonfly sites, which could be used to help with conservation efforts. The records generated, when combined with others nationally, will also help BDS to carry out its next national status assessment.

Find out more here.


Image: Female immature Scarce Blue-tailed Damselfly by Paul Ritchie