Introducing Dragonfly Conservation Europe

The British Dragonfly Society has joined a new collaboration called the Dragonfly Conservation Europe, which was founded earlier this year. Its goal is to promote odonatology and the conservation of dragonflies and their habitat by stimulating collaboration across Europe and acting as a central contact point for European odonatology. The group released its first e-newsletter…

Odonata European Red List Published

This new European Red List provides an updated summary of the conservation status of the European species of Dragonflies and Damselflies. Of the 146 species assessed, 21% are currently threatened with extinction; additionally, 12% of these species are Near Threatened, meaning they are close to qualifying for or is likely to qualify for a threatened…

Triangle of Confusion by John Curd

My title stems from two documented concepts. In photography, the circle of confusion is used to determine the depth of field, that part of an image which is acceptably sharp. In linguistics, the triangle of meaning is a model of how linguistic symbols relate to the objects they represent. Both triangle and confusion seem particularly…

Study finds pollution from flea treatment in the New Forest pools

A study has found that a the common insecticide used in ‘spot-on’ flea treatments, imidacloprid, was detected at four waterbody locations where dogs have access. At one site  the levels were nearly double the internationally agreed toxicity threshold for aquatic invertebrates. Previous research have shown that prolonged exposure to imidaclopridthese chemicals can negatively impact dragonfly…

Norfolk Hawker makes headlines

The Norfolk Hawker (Aeshna isoceles) made headlines this week; the species has undergone impressive range expansion since 1990 – good news for a species which was categorised as Endangered in the 2008 Red List. Read the full article on BBC News   Image: Ouwesok, flickr

POST review of freshwater habitat restoration in the UK

The Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology (POST) works to ensure that the best research evidence is brought to bear on the legislative process of Government. POST recently published a report reviewing evidence relating to the restoration of freshwater habitats in the UK. Overall the report highlights the value of freshwater wetlands and how many…

New free guide to pond restoration, creation and management.

Two thirds of the ponds in England and Wales have been lost; the countryside is littered with dried out farmland ponds, over shaded by tree growth. Many freshwater species are now rare or threatened, and ponds provide an important refuge for them. This new guide aims to assist land managers in restoring and creating new…

Buglife completes Important Invertebrate Areas Map for Wales

Wales has become the first country in the world with a map of its most important areas for insects and other invertebrates – a vital source of information to help guide nature recovery in Wales. The network of 17 Important Invertebrate Areas (IIAs) cover 1,344km2 of Wales and are home to nationally or internationally significant…

State of Nature 2023 Report – UK nature-depleted

The State of Nature 2023 report, the most comprehensive report on the UK’s current biodiversity, has been released and is available to read in full here. The report uses data collated over the past 50 years by thousands of volunteers taking part in recording schemes, such as the National Recording Scheme for Odonata. In summary,…