Become a member of the British Dragonfly Society! Becoming a member will enable us to undertake and deliver more conservation, education and recording projects which benefit our dragonflies and damselflies.
Buy membership today
You can sign up or renew your membership online today.
Benefits of being a member
Membership Welcome Pack – Including our most recent magazine, journal and pocket Dragonfly ID Guide.
Magazine – You will receive a magazine, “Dragonfly News”, twice a year, with news from the dragonfly world and BDS member activities.
Journal – You will also receive the BDS Journal, which is published twice a year. It is internationally respected and contains some of the latest research into dragonfly biology and behaviour.
Monthly E-newsletter: Hawker – You will also receive a monthly newsletter which you will be sent via email. This will keep you informed with all the latest news, updates, sightings and research from the world of dragonflies.
Field Trips – You can attend field trips which are organised through the summer where experts will introduce you to the environment and species of national importance.
Meetings – As a member, you are invited to our Annual Meeting & AGM in the Autumn with illustrated talks, exhibitions, shop, stalls and a chance to meet like-minded naturalists. There is also a Spring Meeting each year to get everyone ready for the new season.
Recording – You will receive details of how to take part in the Dragonfly Recording Network.
Conservation – By joining, you will be supporting a wetland conservation society that is a valued advisor to government agencies, the RSPB, the National Trust and private landowners.
Local Groups – You will receive details of your local group where you can meet other members
Access old publications
You can view and download old editions of BDS publications including Dragonfly News and the BDS Journal.
Title image: Red-eyed Damselfly by Iain Leach