photo: Thierry Marysael
A legacy to the British Dragonfly Society will provide a lasting gift. Dragonflies and damselflies are beautiful insects which have inhabited Earth for over 300 million years. With your support, by remembering the British Dragonfly Society in your will, we can safeguard our dragonflies and damselflies to provide a lasting legacy that will ensure future generations enjoy these fascinating insects
A Lasting Gift
Gifts, in wills, make a positive difference. Legacy gifts enable The British Dragonfly Society to:
- Conserve dragonflies and their wetland habitats.
- Conserve Nationally-Important species.
- Record and monitor the distribution and populations of dragonflies.
- Encourage the scientific study and research of dragonflies.
- Undertake education projects.
Please consider leaving something to British Dragonfly Society when you write or update your will. If you are able to do this then please accept our thanks.
You may like to use the following wording to include this legacy:
“I give the sum of £………… to British Dragonfly Society (Registered Charity
No. 1168300), Ashcroft, Brington Road, HUNTINGDON, PE28 5LP for its general purposes.”
Title image: Four-spotted Chaser by David Kitching