The British Dragonfly Society’s Revised List of Odonata recorded in the United Kingdom
The Odonata lists presented below follow the taxonomic sequence of Schorr and Paulson (2013).
Table 1. Category A: resident and/or regular migrant species recorded since 2000
This category comprises species with well-established breeding populations and migrant species that have been recorded regularly since 2000, the latter often attempting to establish temporary breeding populations. (nc = no change in name)
Scientific name | British and Irish name | European common name |
Chalcolestes viridis | Willow Emerald Damselfly | Western Willow Spreadwing |
Lestes barbarus | Southern Emerald Damselfly | Migrant Spreadwing |
Lestes dryas | Scarce Emerald Damselfly | Robust Spreadwing |
Lestes sponsa | Emerald Damselfly | Common Spreadwing |
Calopteryx splendens | Banded Demoiselle | nc |
Calopteryx virgo | Beautiful Demoiselle | nc |
Platycnemis pennipes | White-legged Damselfly | Blue Featherleg |
Ceriagrion tenellum | Small Red Damselfly | Small Red Damsel |
Coenagrion hastulatum | Northern Damselfly | Spearhead Bluet |
Coenagrion lunulatum | Irish Damselfly | Crescent Bluet |
Coenagrion mercuriale | Southern Damselfly | Mercury Bluet |
Coenagrion puella | Azure Damselfly | Azure Bluet |
Coenagrion pulchellum | Variable Damselfly | Variable Bluet |
Coenagrion scitulum | Dainty Damselfly | Dainty Bluet |
Enallagma cyathigerum | Common Blue Damselfly | Common Bluet |
Erythromma najas | Red-eyed Damselfly | Large Redeye |
Erythromma viridulum | Small Red-eyed Damselfly | Small Redeye |
Ischnura elegans | Blue-tailed Damselfly | Common Bluetail |
Ischnura pumilio | Scarce Blue-tailed Damselfly | Small Bluetail |
Pyrrhosoma nymphula | Large Red Damselfly | Large Red Damsel |
Aeshna affinis | Southern Migrant Hawker | Blue-eyed Hawker |
Aeshna caerulea | Azure Hawker | nc |
Aeshna cyanea | Southern Hawker | Blue Hawker |
Aeshna grandis | Brown Hawker | nc |
Aeshna isoceles | Norfolk Hawker | Green-eyed Hawker |
Aeshna juncea | Common Hawker | Moorland Hawker |
Aeshna mixta | Migrant Hawker | nc |
Anax ephippiger | Vagrant Emperor | nc |
Anax imperator | Emperor Dragonfly | Blue Emperor |
Anax parthenope | Lesser Emperor | nc |
Brachytron pratense | Hairy Dragonfly | Hairy Hawker |
Gomphus vulgatissimus | Common Clubtail | nc |
Cordulegaster boltonii | Golden-ringed Dragonfly | Common Goldenring |
Cordulia aenea | Downy Emerald | nc |
Somatochlora arctica | Northern Emerald | nc |
Somatochlora metallica | Brilliant Emerald | nc |
Leucorrhinia dubia | White-faced Darter | Small Whiteface |
Libellula depressa | Broad-bodied Chaser | nc |
Libellula fulva | Scarce Chaser | Blue Chaser |
Libellula quadrimaculata | Four-spotted Chaser | nc |
Orthetrum cancellatum | Black-tailed Skimmer | nc |
Orthetrum coerulescens | Keeled Skimmer | nc |
Sympetrum danae | Black Darter | nc |
Sympetrum fonscolombii | Red-veined Darter | nc |
Sympetrum sanguineum | Ruddy Darter | nc |
Sympetrum striolatum* | Common Darter* | nc |
* – includes dark specimens in the north-west formerly treated as a separate species, Highland Darter Sympetrum nigrescens. 46 species now in Category A + 10 in Category B
Table 2. Category B: vagrant species
Since 1998 records of these species have been assessed by the Odonata Rarities Committee.
Scientific name | British and Irish name | European common name |
Sympecma fusca | Winter Damselfly | Common Winter Damsel |
Anax junius | Green Darner | Common Green Darner |
Stylurus flavipes | River Clubtail | River Clubtail |
Somatochlora flavomaculata | Yellow-spotted Emerald | nc |
Leucorrhinia pectoralis | Large White-faced Darter | Yellow-spotted Whiteface |
Crocothemis erythraea** | Scarlet Darter** | Broad Scarlet |
Pantala flavescens | Wandering Glider | nc |
Sympetrum flaveolum | Yellow-winged Darter | nc |
Sympetrum pedemontanum | Banded Darter | nc |
Sympetrum vulgatum | Vagrant Darter | Moustached Darter |
** has bred in the Channel Islands.
Table 3. Category C: former breeding species now locally extinct in the UK
Any further records of these species will be assessed by the Odonata Records Committee.
Scientific name | British and Irish name | European common name |
Coenagrion armatum | Norfolk Damselfly | Dark Bluet |
Oxygastra curtisii | Orange-spotted Emerald | nc |
Table 4. Category D: species recorded only in the Channel Islands
Scientific name | British and Irish name | European common name |
Orthetrum brunneum | Southern Skimmer | nc |
Sympetrum meridionale | Southern Darter | nc |
Table 5. Category E: exotic species introduced accidentally
These records have come principally from aquatic nurseries (Parr, 2000).
Argia fumipennis | Variable Dancer |
Ceriagrion cerinorubellum | Painted Waxtail |
Enallagma signatum | Orange Bluet |
Ischnura posita | Fragile Forktail |
Ischnura senegalensis | Marsh Bluetail |
Anax gibbosulus | Green Emperor |
Anax guttatus | Lesser Green Emperor |
Crocothemis servilia | Oriental Scarlet |
Erythemis simplicicollis | Eastern Pondhawk |
Rhodothemis rufa | Spine-legged Redbolt |
Tramea transmarina euryale | Ocean Glider |
Urothemis bisignata |
Image by Andre Karwath