New River Wye restoration project
The Natural Resources Wales (NRW) has announced a new Upper Wye Catchment Restoration Project funded by the Welsh Government. The project will focus on the catchment upstream of Hay-on-Wye and will involve efforts to reduce sediment and pollutants entering the river and improve its resilience to extreme weather. These enhancements will benefit the entire river…
Odonata European Red List Published
This new European Red List provides an updated summary of the conservation status of the European species of Dragonflies and Damselflies. Of the 146 species assessed, 21% are currently threatened with extinction; additionally, 12% of these species are Near Threatened, meaning they are close to qualifying for or is likely to qualify for a threatened…
New species for North Wales
The Small Red-eyed Damselfly (Erythromma viridulum) is now breeding in North Wales! A healthy breeding population has been found at Parc Menai in Bangor. The species has been gradually expanding its range in Britain; however, the Bangor population is a long way from any other known population. The Damselfly may have arrived at the pond…
#GoPesticideFree- sign the petition!
Sign the petition calling for a national ban on the use of pesticides in urban areas. We are calling on the UK Government to phase-out the use of pesticides in publicly-run areas. This, in practice, will mean that pesticides would not be permitted for use in the streets, playgrounds and green spaces of our villages,…
You can now buy beautiful tops and totes from the new BDS Teemill shop! Mens’, women’, and kids’ sizes are available. Teemill is a sustainable producer using organic materials and powered by renewable energy. Visit our Teemill Shop Visit our Shop for other items
Dragonfly-Friendly Gardening – updated version available
An updated version of Ruary Mackenzie Dodds’ Dragonfly-Friendly Gardening is now available. Learn from Britain’s leading dragonfly expert how to invite dragonflies and damselflies into your garden and create the conditions for them to thrive. In this compact and accessible wildlife primer, ‘Dragonfly Ambassador’ Ruary Mackenzie Dodds shows how to set up a tranquil garden…
Bourne Valley SSSI monitoring project
Bournemouth Water is looking to set up a dragonfly monitoring project at Bourne Valley SSSI in Bournemouth. The aim is to better understand the state of the valley’s dragonfly populations and set goals for habitat management and creation. The SSSI is made up of lowland heath, mire and fen woodland, and supports a rich diversity…
Volunteer recorders needed- Bourne Valley SSSI
Bournemouth Water is looking to set up a dragonfly monitoring project at Bourne Valley SSSI in Bournemouth. The aim is to better understand the state of the valley’s dragonfly populations and set goals for habitat management and creation. The SSSI is made up of lowland heath, mire and fen woodland, and supports a rich diversity…
The Damselfiles and Dragonflies of Sussex – new book
A new book on the Damselflies and Dragonflies of Sussex is now available. It includes over 170 colour photos of all the Sussex species, shows their current distributions and describes some of the best places to look for them. The books can be purchased online from Pemberley Natural History Books
NHM Gardens now open!
The London Natural History Museum gardens are now open! As you move through our gardens, follow in the footsteps of evolution. Along the way feel ancient fossils, spot a grazing Hypsilophodon and tread among the footprints of your oldest ancestors. Then leave the past behind as you step into the present day. Into an urban world, but…