Buglife completes Important Invertebrate Areas Map for Wales
Wales has become the first country in the world with a map of its most important areas for insects and other invertebrates – a vital source of information to help guide nature recovery in Wales.
The network of 17 Important Invertebrate Areas (IIAs) cover 1,344km2 of Wales and are home to nationally or internationally significant invertebrate populations and their habitats.
Buglife Cymru Manager, Clare Dinham, said, “Wales’ Important Invertebrate Areas, from the Llŷn Peninsula to the South Wales Coast, are home to some of our most special species. But many are under threat. We hope that the new IIA map will help people to learn about and celebrate their local wildlife. And also understand what they can do to help nature recover.”
Learn more and explore the map here.
Southern Damselfly (Coenagrion mercuriale) by Mario Finkel