06 Oct
New bill in Wales to ban single use plastic

New bill in Wales to ban single use plastic

Reducing the production and use of plastics is a key priority for reducing the consumption of fossil fuels and fighting climate change.

The new Environmental Protection (Single-use Plastic Products) (Wales) Bill will make it an offence to supply certain single-use plastic products in Wales, such as single-use plastic bags.

Julie James, the Minister for Climate Change, said:

“This is a big moment in our journey towards a plastic-free Wales.

Single-use plastic products are often seen littered in our streets, parks and seas. Not only are they unsightly, but they have a devastating impact on our wildlife and environment.

With a Team Wales effort, we have to say no to the single-use item culture, so we avoid leaving a toxic legacy of plastic for future generations to deal with.

By thinking differently, making lifestyle changes and choosing re-usable products, we can save money and help fight the devastating impacts of climate change.”