Dragonfly Hotspots are special places, carefully chosen because they:
- Are fantastic places for Dragonfly and Damselfly species to live and thrive
- Have easy access for everyone to visit and have a chance to see Dragonflies and Damselflies
- Provide excellent opportunities for everyone to learn about Dragonflies, Damselflies and their conservation through fun events, courses and workshops
- Have volunteering opportunities so that everyone can get involved in keeping the habitat in top condition
We work with site managers to maintain and enhance these amazing sites for the benefit of Dragonflies and people to enjoy. We want everyone to get involved and feel like they are part of this project too, so there is a strong focus on holding fun events so that everyone can get clued up about Dragonflies, how to manage habitat for them and even how to tell which species you’ve seen. Dragonflies are wonderful creatures and we want you all to get to know and love them as much as we do!
Our Dragonfly Hotspot project was launched in Scotland in 2014, and we now have 10 thriving Hotspot sites across the country. We now hope to replicate this success in England and Wales, thanks to funding from the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation and the John Ellerman Foundation. Click on the buttons below to find more information on current Hotspot sites. More will be added as the project progresses, so keep checking back here for updates!
Let us know if you visit one of our Dragonfly Hotspots too, as we love seeing and sharing your photos!
Title image: Common Darter by Paul Seligman