Flanders Moss National Nature Reserve
Flanders Moss is a raised bog located on the Carse of Stirling close to the village of Thornhill. A number of different watery habitats found on the Moss are suitable for dragonflies, from small lochs of open water to soupy sphagnum pools. With an all-abilities circular boardwalk running across the Moss, it is easy to get close to the dragonflies found here. The site is managed as National Nature Reserve by NatureScot.
Opening times, entry costs, facilities and directions
Things to see
Flanders Moss is one of the largest and least damaged lowland raised bogs in Britain and is home to a complex of bog vegetation and sphagnum mosses. Over millennia, the bog mosses have built up to form a dome-shaped mound that rises above the surrounding landscape. The circular path offers close views of the bog inhabitants, while keeping visitors safe and dry underfoot. A seven-metre high viewing tower at the start of the path provides a panoramic view of the bog and the surrounding countryside.
A stroll along the boardwalk at Flanders Moss takes you into a remote and water-logged land. All year, the mosses create a carpet of reds, oranges and greens. In spring and summer, seas of bog cotton wave in the breeze and the Moss is noisy with the calls of nesting birds. Frogs and toads jump in and out of pools and lizards bask on the boardwalk. In August, heather adds its purple to the vivid moss greens, while the calls of geese and swans break the stillness of dusk in winter.
This is one of the best locations in the area to see Common lizards as they frequently sunbathe on the boardwalk. Adders can be spotted in sunny spots amongst the heather and beautiful lime-green Emperor moth caterpillars can be found grazing on the heather.
Top species
Seasonal Highlights
The earliest emerging species should be found from late April onwards, with Common Hawkers being on the wing from late June onwards. Black Darters can frequently be seen sunbathing on the board walk and are sometimes eaten by the Common lizards that sunbathe there too!
Contact Information
NatureScotStrathallan House
Castle Business Park
T: 01786 450 362
Species Information
Click on the species image for further information, such as flight times and identification.