Dragonfly Photo Library now available to download
Our photo library is now available to download directly from the resources section of this website. The library is intended for members of the public and professionals in need of photos to develop dragonfly-related educational resources. To view the library click here Image by Azri, Flickr
Free Climate Change Adaptation Manual for Land Managers
Our climate is changing rapidly and it is essential that the potential impacts are taken into account when developing management plans for reserves and other green spaces. To assist with this process Natural England and the RSPB have published an Adaption Manual which “support[s] practical and pragmatic decision-making, by bringing together recent science, experience and…
Global study finds insects in decline on land but recovering in water
The data from long term studies, carried out around the world, have been combined in the largest ever meta-analysis of insects abundance. On average land-dwelling insects were found to be decreasing by 0.92% every year. On the other hand, freshwater insects have been increasing in abundance by 1.08% per year. The study included data from…
White-legged Damselfly Investigation Spring 2020 report
The White-legged Damelfly flight season is almost upon us and the British Dragonfly Society is asking members of the public to keep an eye out for this charismatic insect as part of the White-legged Damselfly Investigation Project. With the assistance of County Dragonfly Recorders ecologists at the BDS have mapped the existing and historic White-legged…
Guide to Spring Garden Dragonflies
We are right at the beginning of the dragonfly season and spring species are starting to emerge. We have created a quick guide to dragonflies you can see on the wing in April and May. Have a go at spotting them in your garden or while you’re out doing your daily exercise. Report a…
Pond Ponderings: Parc y Llyn pond, Aberystwyth
An introduction to a community pond in Wales, by Meg Kirby: “The Parc y Llyn pond is situated in a rough grassland meadow between a housing estate and retail shopping centre on one side and the river Rheidol on the other side. The area is open to the public. It is County Council owned…
Pond Ponderings – Battling algae in a new pond by Pamela Styles
Last time I wrote about my new pond (A Welsh Garden Pond For Wildlife and Wellbeing), I was blissfully unaware of the invasion of algae that was soon to come! The plants died back in the winter, and several of them died completely, possibly not responding well to living in containers, or to me not…
New ‘super’ National Nature Reserve is super news for Southern Damselflies
Hartland Moor, a key site for Southern Damselflies in Dorset, is set to become part of the new Purbeck Heaths National Nature Reserve. The small, delicate Southern Damselfly (Coenagrion mercuriale) is the UK’s only legally protected species of Damselfly. The larvae of this species are only found in shallow unpolluted alkaline streams, a habitat that…
Pond Ponderings – From A Small Urban Pond in King’s Lynn, by Elizabeth Fairweather
2020 really is shaping up to be the Year of the Dragonfly, as we have got another Pond Ponderings writer to introduce you to. Elizabeth Fairweather introduces us to her small pond in an urban garden in King’s Lynn, Norfolk: “When I first started to recall details of our pond I was amazed to…