Pond Ponderings: Parc y Llyn pond, Aberystwyth
An introduction to a community pond in Wales, by Meg Kirby:

“The Parc y Llyn pond is situated in a rough grassland meadow between a housing estate and retail shopping centre on one side and the river Rheidol on the other side. The area is open to the public. It is County Council owned land managed for wildlife. The river forms part of a hydroelectricity scheme upstream so the flow rate is variable. Golden–ringed Dragonfly, Common Hawker and Banded Demoiselles are often recorded here and on one occasion a Beautiful Demoiselle was also seen.
The pond was a good breeding site for frogs and toads but dried up 2 years ago with the apparent failure of the liner.
2019 saw Ceredigion County Council, with help and encouragement from local community groups, renovate this pond.
Aquatic plants were introduced in the autumn and frog spawn and toad spawn were seen this spring. An evening visit recorded Palmate Newts.
A first visit as part of a planned survey took place towards the end of March.
There were plenty of Water Boatmen and Whirligig beetles, and some tadpoles. Emergent plants (Water Plantain and Iris) were growing well.
Despite the Covid-19 situation it is hoped that further short, casual visits as part of the daily exercise allowance can take place.
Let’s hope Dragonflies return. We will keep you informed.”