NT Wicken Fen Nature Reserve
Wicken Fen was the very first Nature Reserve to be owned by The National Trust and is one of the best places in the country to see dragonflies with 22 species recently recorded on the fen. On warm sunny days large numbers of these beautiful insects can be seen performing their marvellous aerobatics, elegantly flying along the reed-fringed waterways and ditches.
We will be celebrating Wicken Fen as a Dragonfly Hotspot in 2024! Join us on Sunday 30th June for a day of guided walks, craft activities and pond dipping.
Opening times, entry costs, facilities and directions
Things to see
Wicken Fen in Cambridgeshire, one of Europe’s most important wetlands, supports an abundance of wildlife. There are more than 9000 species, including a spectacular array of plants, birds and, of course, dragonflies. The raised boardwalk and lush grass droves allow easy access to a lost landscape of flowering meadows, sedge and reedbeds. The site had an ambitious 100 year landscape-scale conservation project, Wicken Fen Vision, to create a diverse landscape for wildlife and people stretching from Wicken Fen to the edge of Cambridge.
Image by Andrew Stawarz.
Contact Information
Wicken FenLode Lane
T: 01353720274
Species Information
Click on the species image for further information, such as flight times and identification.