Where to See
Species Group | Damselflies |
Scientific Name | Coenagrion puella |
Status & Distribution | Very common throughout England, Wales, and the lowlands of south/central Scotland. Distribution is growing and spreading north in Scotland. |
Habitat | Small ponds and streams, and at the edges of larger water bodies. |
Flight Period | |
Adult Identification |
Larval Information | Spotting on the back of the head. Caudal lamellae slighted pointed (distinguishes it from Variable Damselfly). |
Threats |
Management | Maintain areas of emergent vegetation as well as submerged and floating vegetation within the water. |
Similar Species | Can be easily confused with other damselflies of the Genus Coenagrion and with the Common Blue Damselfly Enallagma cyathigerum. To separate this species look for the following features: