Where to See Azure Damselfly

Latin NameCoenagrion puella

Small ponds and streams, and at the edges of larger water bodies.

  • Pollution.
  • Introduction of fish.
  • Removal of wetland vegetation.
  • Excessive dredging.
  • Drainage and removal of ponds and ditches.
Status & Distribution

Very common throughout England, Wales, and the lowlands of south/central Scotland. Distribution is growing and spreading north in Scotland.

Similar Species

Can be easily confused with other damselflies of the Genus Coenagrion and with the Common Blue Damselfly Enallagma cyathigerum.

To separate this species look for the following features:

  • Coenagrion spur
  • Thin antehumeral stripes
  • Males:’U’ shaped marking
  • Females: pronotum shape and abdomen markings

Maintain areas of emergent vegetation as well as submerged and floating vegetation within the water.

Species GroupDamselflies