WT Cors Ian

Wildlife Trust site. This is an upland valley mire.  It has a good population of dragonflies with species including the Keeled Skimmer and Golden-ringed Dragonfly.  It also has many bird species and a small population of water voles.


Opening times, entry costs, facilities and directions

Click here


Things to see

The reserve’s wetland boardwalk and platform let you get up close to dragonflies and their habitats. BOARDWALK CURRENTLY UNDER REPAIR.


Top species

Keeled Skimmer

A locally important species

Main flight period is May to September.

Look out for males on low perches near water.

Image by Iain Leach



Seasonal Highlights

Delicate damselflies, like Large Red Damselflies, are abundant in spring time.

By mid summer large Dragonflies, including Emperor Dragonflies, patrol the open waters.

The last damselfly to emerge is the metallic green Emerald Damselfly.


Image by Wildlife Trust

Contact Information

The Nature Centre
Fountain Road
CF32 0EH

T: 01656 724 100

WT Cors Ian