Monadh Mor
A Forestry and Land Scotland site. This is one of the best places in Scotland to see rare bog woodland. Over 100 hectares of naturally wet woodland has been restored in Monadh Mor and the birch and pine trees here co-exist in a finely balanced relationship with the ponds, swamps and mosses. In the wettest areas, tree growth is so slow that the tiny bonsai-like pines can be hundreds of years old!
Opening times, entry costs, facilities and directions
Things to see
Best place to view dragonflies is from the public footpaths near to the ponds round about NH 5939 5415.
Top species
Rare bog specialist.
Flight period is April to September.
The only UK species with a white faced
Image by John Balcombe
Seasonal Highlights
The rare and charistmatic White-faced Darter are one of the first species to emerge in spring.
Four-spotted Chaser, with their unique wings markings, are easy to see and identify on hot summer days.
Black Darters, a bog specialist, cling on into early autumn.
Image by Julian Paren.
Contact Information
Forestry and Land Scotland Head Office1 Highlander Way
Inverness Business Park
T: 0300 067 6100
Species Information
Click on the species image for further information, such as flight times and identification.