Hogganfield Park Local Nature Reserve
Hogganfield Park is a 48 hectares/119 acres site and is excellent for bird watching or simply walking. There is a wide variety of water birds on the loch, including some rarities. The park was awarded a Green Flag in 2013. The Green Flag Award is the benchmark national standard for quality parks and green spaces.
Opening times, entry costs, facilities and directions
Things to see
From The park’s main feature is a loch which attracts a range of dragonflies and other wildlife, particularly waterfowl.
Top species
A small but hardy damselfly adapted to urban living.
Main flight period is April to October.
The eye catching females come in a variety of colours.
Image by Ken Gartside
Seasonal Highlights
Large Red Damselflies undergo synchronised emergence in late spring.
Four-spotted Chaser appear as the weather warms up and can be easily identified by its spotted wings.
In later summer/early autumn Emerald Damselflies can bee seen flitting amongst the vegetation.
Images by Fajaril, flickr.
Contact Information
Biodiversity TeamGlasgow City Council
82 George Square
G2 1DU
T: 0141 287 5064
Species Information
Click on the species image for further information, such as flight times and identification.