21 May
Pond Ponderings – An Update From Parc y Llyn Community Pond

Pond Ponderings – An Update From Parc y Llyn Community Pond

An update on the community pond at Parc y Llyn, Aberystwyth, Wales, from Meg and David Kirby:


April 2020

Recent photo of the pond by Chloe Griffiths.

With due care and attention to Corona virus restrictions brief visits have been undertaken to the Parc  y Llyn pond as part of the daily exercise allowance. The recent hot and sunny weather has helped the aquatic plants become established and the water level has been maintained.


24th April: Damselfly arrival! A Large Red (Pyrrhosoma nymphula) and an Azure (Coenagrion puella) were seen. 14 damselfly exuviae were spotted on the Yellow Flag Iris but no Tenerals.


A dragonfly was seen, too briefly to identify but hopefully it will return. It had a dark body. Was that because it was silhouetted or dare one think it might have been a Hairy Dragonfly (Brachytron pratense)…..




May 2020

Casual observations of the Parc y Llun pond continue with the help of locals on their daily exercise.


Large Red Damselflies and Azures have been seen, including two pairs of Azures in cop (photo left) and a third male trying to muscle in.



May 10th: Classic textbook arrival!  A female Broad-bodied Chaser (Libellula depressa) was seen near the pond.  To complete the excitement, a male arrived on 14th May (photo credit:  Maisy Graham)