23 Jan
Norwich Western Link project application withdrawn

Norwich Western Link project application withdrawn

The Norwich Western Link project, proposed by Norfolk County Council, would connect the Northern Distributor Road (NDR) to the A47 with the aim of reducing traffic congestion.

The BDS supported ‘The Stop Wensum Link’ group due to the potentially harmful impact the project could have on the River Wensum. The proposed four-lane highway would cross over the River Wensum and could act as a significant source of pollution, through run-off and atmospheric deposition. Damage to the river’s banks and disturbance during the construction process were also of great concern.

The River Wensum is one of only 260 true chalk streams on the planet and is home to rare species, such as Water Vole, and a high abundance and diversity of dragonflies. It also feeds numerous waterbodies along its floodplain, including pools that support breeding populations of the red-listed Norfolk Hawker (Aeshna isoceles).

The project plans have now been withdrawn, largely because Natural England ruled against the project due to the impact it would have on a colony of rare Barbastelle bats along the proposed route.

James Marshall, Natural England’s deputy director for Norfolk and Suffolk, said NE was “clear that development and nature can go hand in hand”.

Link to full article


Image: Norfolk Hawker by Kenneth Elsom