Dragonfly gynandromorphs

Gynandromorphism is a rare condition that causes an organism to develop both male and female characteristics. This is most conspicuous when the gynandromorphism is bilateral- the organism has male characteristics on one side of its body and female characteristics on the other. However, this is not always the case and the characteristics can be more…

Order your guide to London’s dragonflies and damselflies

London Wildlife Trust is pleased to announce that the first guide to the capital’s dragonflies, titled  Today I saw a demoiselle; Dragonflies and damselflies of London is now available! This guide is a result of four years of surveys and data collection, a huge joint effort of the project team and enthusiastic volunteers. Follow the link to read the…

Book Must Have: Europe’s Dragonflies

New book available in our shop now: Europe’s Dragonflies is a comprehensive, lavishly illustrated and beautifully designed photographic field guide to the damselflies and dragonflies of Europe. Written by two well-travelled experts, the book covers all 140 resident and vagrant species recorded, focussing on the field identification of adult insects. Concise species profiles highlight key…

Dragonfly Reports to the End of May 2020

Written by Brian Walker, BDS Chairperson.   Reports of Dragonflies have continued to flood into our recent sightings page, helped no doubt by the sunniest May on record.  By the end of week 22 (1st June) Broad-bodied Chaser had just overtaken Large Red Damselfly as the most frequently reported species.  Many reports are of the…

Guide to Summer Garden Dragonflies

The dragonfly season is well under way so make sure you keep an eye out for insects visiting your garden. Here is a short guide to the species you can expect to see in June and July.   Report a sighting   Learn about gardening for dragonflies

Free Climate Change Adaptation Manual for Land Managers

Our climate is changing rapidly and it is essential that the potential impacts are taken into account when developing management plans for reserves and other green spaces. To assist with this process Natural England and the RSPB have published an Adaption Manual which “support[s] practical and pragmatic decision-making, by bringing together recent science, experience and…

White-legged Damselfly Investigation Spring 2020 report

The White-legged Damelfly flight season is almost upon us and the British Dragonfly Society is asking members of the public to keep an eye out for this charismatic insect as part of the White-legged Damselfly Investigation Project. With the assistance of County Dragonfly Recorders ecologists at the BDS have mapped the existing and historic White-legged…

Guide to Spring Garden Dragonflies

We are right at the beginning of the dragonfly season and spring species are starting to emerge. We have created a quick guide to dragonflies you can see on the wing in April and May. Have a go at spotting them in your garden or while you’re out doing your daily exercise.   Report a…