Calling on you MP to support a ban on urban pesticides
The dangers that pesticides pose to both human health and the environment are well known. The commonly used pesticide glyphosate is not only harmful to dragonflies and other insects, but larger animals too, including birds and amphibians. Research is also increasingly linking the chemical to Parkinson’s.
Following a campaign by the Pesticide Collaboration, Caroline Lucas MP has tabled an Early Day Motion (EDM) in parliament, calling for a phase-out of the use of pesticides in our villages, towns and cities. Early Day Motions (EDMs) are used to draw attention to a particular issue and other MPs can show their support by adding their own signature to it.
Over 100 local authorities have already reduced their reliance of pesticide for green space management or have phased it out already.
Please let your MP know you support this campaign and encourage them to add their name to the EDM.
The BDS supports this campaign as part of the Pesticide Action Network.