Introduction to the National Dragonfly Recording Scheme

New to dragonfly recording? The entoLIVE blog for the DragonflyWatch: The National Dragonfly Recording Scheme entoLIVE webinar is now live via the link below. The blog includes a recording of the presentation as well as a transcription of the Q&A with Ellie Colver, BDS Conservation Officer, a list of literature references and any relevant useful links.…

Dragonfly Week started this weekend! How to take part. . .

#DragonflyWeek23 runs from Saturday 1 July to Sunday 9 July. Across the UK the BDS and volunteers will be hosting events to celebrate the wonders of dragonflies. We encorage our conservation partners to take part as the event is a great oppotunity to promote the value of wetlands, top dragonflies nature reserves and public involvement…

Pond Ponderings – An Emerging Story!

By Alison and Marc Dilnutt We started off with a very small pond about six years ago then in lockdown we went crazy and hand-dug our current pond.  It’s about a sixth of our garden now and we love it. When we dug the new one, we decanted all the water from our old one and kept…

Free garden packages for community groups in Wales

The Local Places for Nature project is back and here to help you create a green haven for your local community and wildlife – including dragonflies! Hundreds of free packages are available to community groups and organisations to support thier garden projects, from orchards to large scale makeovers. Find out more and how to apply…

Pond Ponderings – The Bigger the Better

Pond Creation by Susan Payne We moved into our new home 2 years ago, moving from a city centre to the countryside. It is a big plot but the previous owners had simply kept a large rectangle of grass, closely mown with no plants at all. I knew one of the first things I wanted…

Pond Ponderings – A Boat for Wildlife

My Rowing Boat Pond – Sherryl Walters When we moved to the south coast just before Lockdown 1 we knew we wanted a wildlife garden with a water feature. To enable this, when we moved in, we took away a hedge of viburnum to open up the garden to more light. Being near the coast…

Pond Ponderings – Tiny Pond-scape

Tiny PondWatch by Jen @TinyPondWatch Hello! My name is Jen and I run @TinyPondWatch, where I share the creatures great and small that visit my tiny garden ponds on Instagram. How it came to be  I am a passionate gardener, and created a wildlife-friendly garden when we bought our new build home in Shropshire five…

Pond Ponderings – Whiskey Barrel Pond

Ponds for small spaces by Jim Horsfall I created a new ‘pond’ soon after I moved into a new house in 2013, not having much space I opted for a whiskey barrel to turn into a pond (the smell of whiskey was still apparent on brining it home). I put a few bricks in the…

Emerging Emperor footage needed

Shout out to photographers and filmmakers! Humble Bee Films has contacted us looking for high-quality footage of an emerging Emperor Dragonfly. If you think you have a clip that would do the job that you wouldn’t mind donating please let us know.   Image: Emperor by Dave Smallshire