River Wye, Monmouth
The River Wye supports exceptional diversity, including dragonflies. The River Wye around Monmouth is also one of the best places in the country to see Common Clubtail.
Opening times, entry costs, facilities and directions
Things to see
The river can be accessed via a footpath near the Wye bridge.
Top species
Common Clubtail
A rare and threatened species
Main flight period is May July.
Look for emerging adults on the river banks.
Image by Gareth William Tonks
Seasonal Highlights
Common Clubtail emerge in spring on the river banks.
Summer is the best time to see the butterfly-like Demoiselles.
Contact Information
Wye Valley AONBHadnock Road
NP25 3NG
T: 01600 710846
Species Information
Click on the species image for further information, such as flight times and identification.