The British Dragonfly Society is currently reviewing its organisational strategy which will set the direction of the Society for the next 5 years – and we need your help!

We would be very grateful if you could complete a short questionnaire and tell us what you think we should be focussing our attention on in the future.


The questionnaire should take no more than 15 minutes.

The closing date for responses is 15 August 2021.

Click on your preference; it will become shaded blue/grey.


Questionnaire for BDS members/ non-members

1. What is/are the BDS primary purpose(s)? Please rank from 1 (most important) to 3 (least important).

2. What is BDS’s role within the conservation world? Please rank from 1 (most important) to 3 (least important).

3. What would you like BDS to do more of in the next 5 years? Please rank from 1 (most important) to 5 (least important).

More info: - Hotspots are outreach hubs set up in partnership with other organisations and charities. You can read more about them under What We Do > Outreach Projects.

7. What do you value most about being a supporter? Please rank from 1 (most important) to 4 (least important).

Select one option above.

Thank you, you have now completed the questionnaire!


Image: Common Darter by Iain Leach