Management Plan for Southern Damselflies
There are several intended audiences for this document these range from people delivering the habitat work who already know about Southern Damselflies to decision makers who may not have background knowledge. Therefore the document has been split into two sections. Part one gives background information about the Southern Damselfly’s ecology, distribution and status in the UK and Wales. Part two is the management document. The management document addresses all the current issues affecting the Southern Damselfly in the Preseli area. This should be used to help restore ‘favourable conservation’ status for the species and also ensure that the population is maintained in a satisfactory condition. Issues looked at in this plan include the identification of good Southern Damselfly habitat features, the current threats to this species in the Preselis and the obstacles and difficulties in restoring, maintaining and monitoring good quality Southern Damselfly habitat. This plan goes on to suggest suitable management techniques to improve the existing habitat and aims to inform decision makers, land owners, graziers and other parties involved. This plan has been written by the BDS Conservation Officer with input from NRW, PCNPA and other relevant experts and parties. This document is intended to be a ‘live’ document, new research findings, management techniques or future identified threats or issues should be added to it.