The Monmouthshire dragonfly list
The table below lists the 32 species of dragonfly which have been reliably recorded in Monmouthshire. Some of these are rare visitors to the county: records of these are of particular interest, and can be added to our county database if the record is accompanied by supporting evidence, such as a photograph or some notes describing what was seen and how more common lookalike species were ruled out. Some of our resident species are usually only found in certain areas of the county and so supporting evidence is asked for if these are seen outside their usual areas.
One further species, Banded Darter Sympetrum pedemontanum, was found in 1995 near Tredegar, and listed in several publications as being seen within Monmouthshire. Research for an account of this occurrence led to the realisation that it spent its time wholly within Breconshire, so unfortunately this distinctive insect (the first, and as of 2022, the only, British record) is no longer on the county list.
Small Red Damselfly Ceriagrion tenellum was formerly thought to have occured on moorlands in the northwest of the county, but a review of all Monmouthshire records of this species carried out in 2024 concluded that there is no evidence that the species was ever reliably found in the county, and that these records are more likely to relate to misidentifications of Large Red Damselfly Pyrrhosoma nymphula instead.
Single unconfirmed records each of two other species (Downy Emerald Cordulia aenea and Scarce Chaser Libellula fulva) were reviewed in 2020/2021 and no supporting evidence could be traced for either, so these have been excluded from the list. Subsequently (2023) further details of the putative Scarce Chaser (on the Blorenge in 1983) have come to light: photographs of it were examined shortly after it was reported, and it was a misidentified Broad-bodied Chaser.
For a version of this list in PDF format, annotated with status summaries, click here.
English name
Scientific name
Supporting evidence requested for
Emerald Damselfly | Lestes sponsa | |
Banded Demoiselle | Calopteryx splendens | |
Beautiful Demoiselle | Calopteryx virgo | |
White-legged Damselfly | Platycnemis pennipes | records away from the Usk, Wye and Monnow |
Azure Damselfly | Coenagrion puella | |
Variable Damselfly | Coenagrion pulchellum | all records |
Common Blue Damselfly | Enallagma cyathigerum | |
Red-eyed Damselfly | Erythromma najas | new sites |
Small Red-eyed Damselfly | Erythromma viridulum | |
Blue-tailed Damselfly | Ischnura elegans | |
Scarce Blue-tailed Damselfly | Ischnura pumilio | records away from western upland areas |
Large Red Damselfly | Pyrrhosoma nymphula | |
Southern Migrant Hawker | Aeshna affinis | all records |
Southern Hawker | Aeshna cyanea | |
Brown Hawker | Aeshna grandis | records away from the northwest of the county |
Common Hawker | Aeshna juncea | records away from western upland areas |
Migrant Hawker | Aeshna mixta | |
Vagrant Emperor | Anax ephippiger | all records |
Emperor Dragonfly | Anax imperator | |
Lesser Emperor | Anax parthenope | all records |
Hairy Dragonfly | Brachytron pratense | records away from the Gwent Levels |
Common Clubtail | Gomphus vulgatissimus | records away from the River Wye |
Golden-ringed Dragonfly | Cordulegaster boltonii | records in unusual locations (e.g. the Gwent Levels) |
Broad-bodied Chaser | Libellula depressa | |
Four-spotted Chaser | Libellula quadrimaculata | |
Black-tailed Skimmer | Orthetrum cancellatum | |
Keeled Skimmer | Orthetrum coerulescens | records away from western upland areas |
Black Darter | Sympetrum danae | records away from western upland areas |
Yellow-winged Darter | Sympetrum flaveolum | all records |
Red-veined Darter | Sympetrum fonscolombii | all records |
Ruddy Darter | Sympetrum sanguineum | new sites away from the Gwent Levels |
Common Darter | Sympetrum striolatum |