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Introduction to Dragonflies and Damselflies (2 Days); FSC course

This beginner course on dragonflies and damselflies is aimed at all those with a desire to learn more about identifying these stunning insects. Open to all levels of ability, we aim to introduce you to a number of dragonflies and damselflies close-up so that you will be confident in your abilities to identify them and make species records.

This course will include:

  • An introduction to dragonflies and damselflies and understanding the differences between them. 
  • Classroom workshops on the identification of both dragonflies and damselflies.
  • Hands-on practice (weather permitting) netting and identifying dragonflies in the field.
  • An explanation of how to take your interest further and actively contribute to the conservation of dragonflies and damselflies by making biological records.

Full information on the FSC website.


Image: Southern Hawker by Bruce Hyde


Booking required.
Additional Info
Course leader: Sue Rees Evans (Shropshire County recorder for Dragonflies).
Preston Montford