Species Checklist

…Dragonfly Hairy Hawker Gomphus vulgatissimus Common Clubtail nc Cordulegaster boltonii Golden-ringed Dragonfly Common Goldenring Cordulia aenea Downy Emerald nc Somatochlora arctica Northern Emerald nc Somatochlora metallica Brilliant Emerald nc Leucorrhinia…

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Northern Emerald

Dark metallic Dragonfly. Male: obviously waisted abdomen. Female: broader abdomen that’s more parallel sided.       Click on an image to enlarge it….

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Brilliant Emerald

Metallic emerald medium-sized dragonfly with bright green eyes. Male: abdomen is waisted and widens towards the end. Female: broader body.       Click on an image to enlarge it….

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Scarce Emerald Damselfly

Rare emerald damselfly species. Male: Blue eyes, bright metallic green body with blue colouration on the top and bottom of the abdomen. Female: Brown eyes and dull metallic green body….

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Southern Emerald Damselfly

Large emerald Damselfly with two-toned pterostigma (wing spots). Male: Metallic green-bronze with pale anal appendages. Female: Metallic green-bronze.       Click on an image to enlarge it….

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Downy Emerald

Hairy green-copper dragonfly and bright apple green eyes. Males: Thin waist and club-shaped abdomen. Females: Thicker abdomen.   Click on an image to enlarge it.    …

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Emerald Damselfly

The most common Emerald Damselfly species. Male: Metallic green with blue colouration. Female: Metallic green with pale green/brown underparts. Click on an image to enlarge it….

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